Bill Weber

As many of you who regularly surf the WEB know, the Internet is no longer just a place to send e-mail to friends and relatives in far away places at local phone rates or to chat with people around the world about education, politics or the best vacation spot. It is becoming the market place of the world.

I have done some Internet shopping and find it is easy to do and have used both my personal check and Credit card. The purchases have come as quickly if not quicker than ordered through a mail order catalog and it is usually so easy to do. Fill out the order form. Type in you Credit Card # and click the submit button and that is it. Within a few days the product is here. Be sure to check on what the return policy of the company is should the article be not what you want. It may be the company will not take it back or if they do there will be a service charge attached.

Perhaps some of you reading this already have commercial WEB sites but I know that there are many of you who do have things to sell that you think would sell good on the World Wide Web. (Antiques, crafts, etc) but cannot afford to have your own commercial WEB site.

I will be putting up a trial Commercial WEB site soon and will be contacting a number of you about your interest in advetising your product or item on a consignment basis. For a detailed account of advertising on my commercial site you can contact me at my e-mail address: or at / Postal mail me at 27435 Killdeer Ave, Wilton, WI 54670.

This is a new adventure on my part and I hope will be beneficial to all of us. I do feel that the Internet will be one of the great marketing center of the world in the next few years. Perhaps this will be a means for you to get your product or item before the world at very little cost on your part and be a part of this new means of marketing. My Trial page will be up for a ten day period. There will be no charge for your advertising for that period if after seeing the WEB Page you decide to stay with us for another week at the regular rates. Also our Trial WEB site will allow 50 people making applicationto put an item on that trial page for five days without charge. If you like what you see than you will be given an additional five free days, if you agree to sign up for the following 7 day period at the regulare rates. These rates are lower than advertising rates in most of the local media For rate schedule contact me at my e-mail or regular mail address listed above.:

Using the wide variety of search engines now on the internet one can come up with thousands of shopping malls scattered through out the world . Your product can be listed in one of those stores if you are interested.

Here are a few online links that will give you a wide variety of shopping malls.
Go to Excite search engine at:

Go to Yahoo search engine at:

Go to Webcrawler search engine at:

Or maybe you would like to look at what other search engines have to offer. Go to: