Bill Weber


Custom Built - ln Less Than An Hour - No Kidding!!

CNN's Interactive New Service has now made available, to anyone who would like their very own customized daily news page. AND IT IS FREE. This is not some ticky tacky news page. This is a news page that will compare with any News Page on the Internet. So you say, what is the big deal. I can get my news direct from CNN, US Today, NY. Times etc. and that is very true. But with YOUR OWN NEWS PAGE you can have it customized to bring you the kind of news you are primarily interested in reading.

Okay, here is how it works. Go to: Scroll down the page until you come to a highlighted Custom News line. Click on the line which says, (You must sign up for Custom news first) this will take you directly to your registration forms to fill out for your news page.

The Custom News service is completely free. Once you complete the registration page you will have 24 hour access to up-to-the-minute state and national news, your local weather report and any choice of topics you care to list.

Why am I excited to tell you about this service? Because I think it is the beginning of many more such services that will make the Internet that much more useful and interesting to all of us who use it. For example, you can list five cities any place in the world where you would like to have a daily weather forecast. You children live there, or you are planning on taking a vacation there and want to monitor the weather prior to going. With this service once you have your page on screen you can just click on the weather icon and there is the weather forecast for those five cities. The same is true if your main interest is sports, space, stocks, entertainment etc.

It took me about an hour to set up my page but it really looks cool and is so handy to click onto when ever I want the latest update on any news of my choice. It is update hourly each day. If you run into any problems you can e-mail me at:

Because of a mix up at the printing office my article on FREEDOM AND YOUR VOTE which was to appear in the October 29th issue did not make it. However, it has been on my WEB page since Oct 28th with links to most all political parties and candidates that were on the ballot this year in Wisconsin plus links to WEB sites that give detailed information of sources and amounts of each candidates political campaign financing. Go to Wisconsin Citizens on Campaign Finance Reform
Also the Vote Smart WEB page at:
You might be interested in going to CNN's WEB pages for their input on the election results for Wisconsin
Go back to previous article - Freedom & Voting links to other WEB pages and more detailed information.

Our First Anniversary. A year ago on November 13th I wrote my first article for this column. It was about how to get on the Internet and that article is still on my WEB page. Also on that page is a link to a number of updated WEB sites: with information on getting started on the Internet.

Concerned about Y2K and the talk of computer chaos? Much has been or is being written about what kind of a mess that might be in store for the world when the year 2,000 arrives and computers through out the world have not complied with the necessary hard & software requirement. There could be a computer shut down in many areas. This is a real concern since most industry and finacial business depends upon their operations using computers. Go to:

Many thanks for letting me come into your homes each week through this WEB page as well as my Tomah Journal column.