The dictionary lists several meanings. For the purpose of our discussion on the alternative to war we will use: a state or period of usually open and declared armed fighting between states or nations.
As we all are aware of this type o warfare has been a part of history since the beginning of time. So is it pre-ordained? Are those who seek power to control the lives of others able to do so by playing on the fears of the masses to believe that their life and security is threatened and that the only way to protect such an occurrence happening is to build a military conglomerate so big and powerful that no nation would be able to oppose its will. Our nation has now achieved, for the time being, that distinction.
In order to achieve such power, much of our wealth has been directed to the War Department to finance such a military undertaking. But we do not have a counter Peace Department. Why is that? Is not the search for peace also an important duty that our government should be doing. A little over a month ago Dennis J. Kucinich (D-OH), did propose a Cabinet Level, Department of Peace. Go to:
There are a number of issues that are now facing our nation and the world that have the likelihood of further pre-emptive wars. Before that happens we should be thinking of why, and what each of us can do to prevent them from happening. Until that time that we do have a "Department of Peace" We will have to work with our elected representatives in letting them know how we feel on issues.
Perhaps the main issue now is the Israeli/Palestine conflict of nearly 50 years duration. The setting up of a Palestinian state should be one of the worlds first priorities to help reduce terrorist attacks throughout the world.
Tomorrow we will discuss what our nation and other nations can do so that we are not so dependent of Mid-eastern oil. There is so much we could do in producing clean alternative energy in our nation.
Until then - Bye for now.
Bill Weber - Host of this WEB Site.